- 기본데이터형식-복합데이터형식
- 값형식-참조형식
- 기본데이터형식
Represents |
Range |
Default Value |
example |
정수형 |
byte |
8-bit unsigned integer |
0 to 255 |
0 |
byte=255; |
sbyte |
8-bit signed integer type |
-128 to 127 |
0 |
sbyte s=-128; |
short |
16-bit signed integer type |
-32,768 to 32,767 |
0 |
short s=-32768; |
ushort |
16-bit unsigned integer type |
0 to 65,535 |
0 |
ushort=65535; |
int |
32-bit signed integer type |
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 |
0 |
int i=-2147483,648; |
uint |
32-bit unsigned integer type
0 to 4,294,967,295
0 |
uint u=4294967295; |
long |
64-bit signed integer type |
-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 |
0L |
long l=-9223372036854775808; |
ulong |
64-bit unsigned integer type |
0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 |
0 |
ulong u=10; |
실수형 |
float |
32-bit single-precision floating point type |
-3.4 x 1038 to + 3.4 x 1038 |
0.0F |
1.0d/3:0.3333333 (7digits) |
double |
64-bit double-precision floating point type |
(+/-)5.0 x 10-324 to (+/-)1.7 x 10308 |
0.0D |
1.0/3:0.333~3(15~16digits) |
decimal |
128-bit precise decimal values with 28-29 significant digits |
(-7.9 x 1028 to 7.9 x 1028) / 100 to 28 |
0.0M |
1m/3:0.333~3 (28~29digits) |
문자형 |
char |
16-bit Unicode character |
U +0000 to U +ffff |
'\0' |
char c='a', d='국'; |
불린형 |
bool |
Boolean value |
True or False |
- 형변환
- 암시적 형변환 byte b=250; short s=b; //250
- 명시적형변환 ushort=40000; short s=(short)n; //-25536
- 상수형
- const int a=0;
- const int b=1;
- const doible b=10;
- 열거형
- enum DialogResult {Yes,No,Cancel=4, OK}
- DialogResult dm=DialogResult.Yes;
- (int)DialogResult.Yes : 0 (int)DialogResult.No : 1 (int)DialogResult.Cencel : 4 (int)DialogResult.OK : 5
- (string)DialogResult.Yes => "Yes"
- nullable 형
- int? length = customers?.Length; // null if customers is null
Customer first = customers?[0]; // null if customers is null
int? count = customers?[0]?.Orders?.Count(); // null if customers, the first customer, or Orders is null
- int[] cs=null;
int? len=cs.Length; //Error
int? len=cs?.Length; //null 저장
- int[] cs=new int[2];
int? len=cs.Length; //2
int? len=cs?.Length; //2 저장
- var 형
- var a=3; //컴파일러 자동 형 지정방식
var b="Hello";
분류 |
연산자 |
산술 연산자 |
+, -, *, /, % |
증가/감소 연산자 |
++, -- |
관계 연산자 |
<, >, ==, !=, <=, >= |
조건 연산자 |
?: |
논리 연산자 |
&&, ||, ! |
비트 연산자 |
<<, >>, &, |, ^, ~ |
할당 연산자 |
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>= |
- If - else 문
- switch(number)
case 1 : Console.WriteLIne(1); break;
case 2 : Console.WriteLIne(1); break;
default : ;
- int sum = 0; int i = 0;
while (i <= 10) {
sum += i++;
- int sum = 0; int i = 0;
do {
sum += i++;
} while (i <= 10);
- int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
sum += i;
- sum = i=0;
Loop: sum += i;
if (i <= 10)
goto Loop;
- int[] arr=new int[]{10,20)
foreach(int n in arr)
- break, continue